One Project To Secure Them All
There are hacks almost everyday. The last big one was Euler for 200M USD. That one was especially painful as Euler is developped by a smart team and many OGs had their life savings inside the lending pools.
But apparently they went too fast to make changes to their initial audited code.
Security is paramount in crypto. One hack and you are dead, everything you did is gone probably forever.
Some hackers are very talented to find bugs and it is almost impossible to find them (even more if they are from North Korea).
Fortunately sometimes hackers are willing to discuss and take a cut on the hack as bounty and give back the money. That’s apparently the case with Euler (to take with a grain of salt as seen in latest messages exchanged over the chain).
Meanwhile, there are insurance protocols which allows you to take an insurance to protect against hacks of many types but that is not enough because it won’t prevent the hack from actually occuring.
But what if there is a project building a tool to prevent hacks from occuring?
Spoiler: there is one.